

The Rules

The Ranks

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Check back here often for news regarding The Bone Splinter. Guild Events, Meetings, etc.


The Bone Splinter is back and actively recruiting.

The Rules

The rules are simple.

#1 It's just a game.

The World of Warcraft is a game, a video game. It's meant to be fun, so have fun playing it. As an MMO, there are millions of other people playing the same game and you're not always going to get along with them, and they're not always going to get along with you. It happens.

Get over it, move on.

#2 No Drama Zone

The Bone Splinter is a no drama zone. No one wants to hear someone else whining all the time about how everyone hates them or how life is unfair.

You are responsible for your own happiness. Surrounding yourself with good players can help with that, and hopefully, as a member of this guild, you will find some really good players. But when you find yourself in a particularly emo mood, don't share.

#3 Respect

Part of #2 above is Respect. Respect for others, respect for yourself. As a prospective or active member of The Bone Splinter, you will be expected to treat others with respect and courtesy. If you can't manage something as simple as common courtesy, this isn't the right place for you.

#4 Guild Chat

Guild chat is primarily done In Character (IC). This means that your character would be the one talking, not you (the player). When it's necessary to speak out of character, we use parenthesis to block out the Out Of Character (OOC) chat.

Here is an example of IC chat:

Morticai: Torero! This is what you woke me up for?

Here is an example of OOC Chat:

Morticai: ((Yo. What's everyone up to tonight? ))

To be honest, we don't require the ending ))'s so you can skip those if you want.

#5 Role Playing

The Bone Splinter is a Role Playing Guild. This means that you, as a prospective or active member, should have a developed character with thier own voice to play. If you don't have a character, you shouldn't apply for membership.

If you're looking for a Raid Guild or a PvP Guild, you are looking in the wrong place and, quite frankly, the wrong server.

Just as there are levels to your character, there are levels of Role Playing. While we are not opposed to accepting someone who is just starting out, we would prefer it if you had some experience before you apply.

As The Bone Splinter is a guild within the World Of Warcraft universe, your character should also be from that universe. Abilities, character traits, storylines should all fall within this universe and make contextual sense.

#6 Membership

Membership is a privilege, not a right; violation of the Rules means I can, and will, kick you out.

Anyone who is an active role player with a character in the Horde is eligible to apply (We have no Alliance side presence). It doesn't matter who (Orc, Forsaken, Troll, Tauren, Blood Elf) or what (Mage, Warrior, Shaman, Warlock, Priest, Druid, Paladin) you are - we take all comers.

The approval process is a simple enough one: talk.

Talk to the Officers, the Primarch, the members. Let us get to know you. This may take some time. If it looks like you're a good fit for the Splinter, and the Splinter is a good fit for you, you'll be invited to join.

If it doesn't look like it's a good fit, you'll be thanked for your interest and, hopefully, we will part amicably. We are always open to allowing someone to try again if they wish, but there should be some time between attempts and there's no guarantee that someone who didn't fit before, will suddenly be accepted.

#7 Being Active

You are required to be active if you want to be a part of The Bone Splinter. This means you must login to your character and be a part of the family. If you're not online for too long, you run the risk of being kicked for inactivity.

If you can't be online for some reason, let us know. We might be able to make allowances.

#8 Rank

Each member is an Adept. If you want to be something more, show initiative. The higher ranks have more expected of them and so, we look for the right people to fill those slots.

#9 Emissaries

As a member of The Bone Splinter, you are expected to adhere to the rules above not only with your fellow guildmates, but with others as well.

When you are out in the game, you represent your guild. Your actions reflect on us and vice versa.

Play the game, have fun, but remember that there's real people behind the pixels.

#10 Real Life

Real Life always trumps the game. If you have things going on in your real life, let us know. We can make allowances.